Landy Wen | Asian entertainment news and gossip!

Landy Wen

Landy Wen
Full Name: Landy Wen, Wen Lan
Gender: Girl
Known As: Landy Wen, Wen Lan
Place of Birth: Hsichu, Taiwan
Date of Birth:
Lives in: Taiwan
Star Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: 0
He/She is: Singer
Famous For:

Landy Wen (Wen Lan; born 17 July 1979) is a popular Taiwanese singer. Her rumored relationship to the "King of Asian Pop" Jay Chou has often become the focus of media attention. A member of the Atayal ethnic group, Landy Wen is one of the few Taiwanese aborigines to become a musical star. She is currently slated to star in the TV Drama "Less Than Zero" (Announced 2010), a retake on Bret Easton Ellis' classic novel that will be set in Taipei.
(Source: Wikipedia)

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